Got to spend a night in Manzanillo with Carlos and Graciela, our wonderful hosts that opened up their home to us for three nights. It was so nice to relax as Carlos drove us around so no motorcycle mishaps to report for me. The city was beautiful and they drove us to the area with million dollar homes and the Old Town area. Both areas were beautiful but I loved the old town area as it was filled with so much more activity and living going on.
Again everybody here has been friendly but one person, a local, did stop and ask us why we were taking photos of the ugliest area of Manzanillo. We both told her we thought it was beautiful. It was kinda of strange because her tone was rather accusatory and almost angry and when we questioned her further she said she was used to Americans taking photos then going home and making fun of how people life here. I found this extremely sad and disturbing. I don’t believe that truly happens, at least not in the world l live in, but it was sad that she has this view of Americans. Later in the day, we went snorkeling and then drove back to Colima, picked up Dennis’ new glasses (yes he got an eye exam while here) and we picked up some business cards and stickers (made by the company that Graciela’s sister owns) to pass out to people we meet along our journey and then back to spend our last night again with our wonderful hosts. Had a great visit with Dante and Adhara until probably later than we should have, huge apologies for keeping our hosts up, but it seemed like there was just so much to share about each others lives. In the morning, after breakfast, Carlos rode with us for the first part to make sure we got on the right road to Guadalajara. Oh, and by the way, ask us in private what the new word for “cheese” is when taking pictures.

Carlos enunciating the new word for “cheese”so we understand him. Had some special body movements that went with it also.