20160401_184008Friday night, just down the street from this place where we ate dinner, I noticed a beautiful mural painted on a wall.  I have been just mesmerized by some of the amazing murals  painted on buildings down here in Mexico so I walked up the block to take a photo. While taking the photos,  I noticed that the gate was partially open where, inside, was an artist painting another mural on one of the inner courtyard walls.  As I walked up to the open gate, he motioned me inside.

His painting was just one of many in the courtyard. 20160402_182819 There were probably about 20 people inside, some painting, some just hanging out, and in one corner a DJ was setting up  equipment.  When I told him I spoke limited Spanish he brought me over and introduced me to this guy Mauricio, who spoke English who told me that they were a group that offered opportunities for people to share and express their art and were getting prepared for a showing that was to happen the next day.  After showing me around the area, he invited me to come back the next day.20160402_184449

One of the things that I find beautiful here in Mexico is that so many people are expressing themselves through their passions and sharing it with their community.  I am sure that things like this exist in areas of the US but it seems like in most areas, we’d rather keep up our appearances rather than open up our heart and soul and let ourselves truly be seen.  It is a risk to allow ourselves to be seen by others and opens us up for vulnerability that can be frightening but I am discovering that it is more frightening to live a life where we allow fear to limit us to what we do, where we go, how we use our voice, and how we share our passions.  Passion allowed to flourish makes the world a much more beautiful place and brings people together.  So do things, go places, use your voice, and share your passion in whatever form it takes.

Here are some photos that we took at the art show:
